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I- Interprétations globalisantes. Cycles sociaux et biologiques

On regroupe là les travaux qui posent la question du désengagement de manière globalisante, soit à partir d’approches macro sociales fondées sur l’identification de mouvements historiques (crise(s) de la participation, cycles d’attention aux problèmes publics), soit à partir d’un modèle biologique visant à rapporter le désengagement aux étapes du cycle de vie, les deux se combinant parfois.


I-a : Approches macro-sociales

Amadieu (J. F.), " Essai d’analyse interactioniste de la désyndicalisation : le cas de la fonction publique en France ", RFSP, vol 39, n°2, avril 1989, p. 133-153.

Andolfatto (D.), Enquête sur la désyndicalisation : l’évolution d’une section CFDT dans une grande entreprise métallurgique de Grenoble, Paris, IRES-CFDT, 1989.

Bacot (P.), Barbet (D.), Les déçus du syndicalisme. (La désyndicalisation chez les instituteurs du Rhône), Lyon, CESPEA, 1984.

Bajoit (G.), " Exit, voice, loyalty… and apathy. Les réactions individuelles au mécontentement ", Revue française de sociologie, XXIX, 1988, p. 325-345.

Basson (J.) (C.), Le tarissement du militantisme. Socialisation politique et sociologie syndicale, Thèse pour le doctorat de science politique, IEP de Grenoble, 1996.

Hirschman (A. O. ), Bonheur privé, action publique, Paris, Fayard, 1983 [1°édition : Shifting Involvements : Private Interest and Public Action, 1982]

Hirschman (A. O. ), Défection et prise de parole. Théorie et applications, Paris, Fayard, 1995 [1°édition américaine Exit, Voice and Loyalty. Responses to Decline in Firms, organizations, and States, en 1970 par Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., 1°édition française sous le titre Face au déclin des entreprises et des institutions, Paris, Editions ouvrières, 1972].

Ion (J.), La fin des militants ?, Paris, Editions de l’Atelier, 1997.

Labbé (D.), Syndicats et syndiqués en France depuis 1945, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1996.

Labbé (D.), Croisat (M.), La désyndicalisation. Le cas de la CFDT, Grenoble, CERAT, 1989.

Labbé (D.), Croisat (M.), La fin des syndicats ?, Paris, L’Harmattan, Logiques sociales, 1992.

Roof (W. C.), A Generation of Seekers : The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation, New York, Harper, 1993.


I-b : Approches biologiques

Andrews (M.), Lifetime commitment, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 1991.

Coles (R.), " Social Struggle and Weariness ", Psychiatry, 27 (November), 1964, p. 305-315.

Cumming (E.) Henry (W. E.), Growing Old : The Process of Disengagement, New York, Basic Books, 1961.

Feuer (L.S.), The Conflict of Generations : The Character and Significance of Student Movements, New York, Basic Books, 1969.

Foss (D.), Larkin (R.), " From ‘The Gate of Eden’ to ‘The Day of the Locust’ : An Analysis of the Dissident Youth Movement of the 1960s and its Heirs of the Early 1970s —the Post Movement Groups ", Theory and Society, 3, 1976, p.45-64.

Foss (D.), Larkin (R.), " Roar of the Lemming : Youth, Post Movement Groups and the Life-Construction Crisis ", Sociological Inquiry, 49, 1979, p. 264-289.

Foss (D.), Larkin (R.), " Seven ways of selling Out : Post Movement Phenomena in Social and Historical Perspective ", Psychology and Social Theory, 3, 1982, p.3-12.

Hotschild (A. R.), " Disengagement Theory : A Critique and Proposal ", American Sociological Review, 40, 1975, p. 553-569.

Jennings (M. K), " Residues of a Movement : The Aging of the American Protest Generation ", American Political Science Review, 81, 1987, p. 367-382.

Jennings (M. K.) and Niemi (R.), Generations and Politics, 1981, princeton, Princeton University Press, 1981.

Keniston (K.), Young Radicals, New York, Harcourt and Brace, Jovanovich, 1968.

Laufer (R. S.), " Institutionnalization of radical Movements and the Maintenance of radical Identity in the Life Cycle, Youth and Society, 7, 1976, p. 367-398.

Lipset (M. S.), Ladd (E. C.), " " The Political Future of Activist Generations ", dans Altbach (Ph.), Laufer (R. S.), eds, The New Pilgrims : Youth Protest in transition, New York, David McKay, 1972, p. 63-84.

Solomon (F.), Fishman (J.R.), " YOUTH and PEACE : A Psychosocial Study of Student Peace Demonstrators in Washington DC ", Journal of Social Issues, 1964, 20, p. 54-73.

Solomon (F.), Fishman (J.R.), " Youth and social action, II : Action and Identity Formation in the First Student Sit-In Demonstration ", Journal of Social Issues, 1964, 20, p. 36-45.


II- Le désengagement comme sortie de rôle

Travaux visant à analyser le processus psychologique du désengagement, à partir des apports de la théorie des rôles. On s’intéresse là aux motifs du désengagement et aux différentes étapes qui le caractérisent. La plupart des travaux portent ici sur la sortie des organisations religieuses (églises, sectes)

Albrecht (S.), Bahr (H.), " Patterns of Religious Desafiliation : A Study of Lifelong Mormons, Mormons Converts and Former Mormons ", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 22 (4), p. 366-379.

Allen (V. L.), Vand de Vliert (E.), Role Transitions : Explorations and Explanations, New York, Plennum Press, 1984

Audi (R.), 1941, Religious commitment and secular reason, Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Beckford (J. A.), " Through the Looking-Glass and out the Other Side : Withdrawal from Rev. Moon’s Unification Church ", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 45 (1),1978, p. 95-116.

Beckford (J. A.), Cult Controversies. The Social Response to the New Religious Movements, New York, Tavistok Publications, 1985.

Brinkerhoff (M. B.), Burke (K. L.), " Disafiliation : Some Notes on Falling from the Faith ", Sociological Analysis, 41 (1), 1980, p. 41-54.

Bromley (D. G.) (ed), Falling from the Faith, Newbury Park, Sage Publications, 1988.

Bromley (D. G.), " The Social Construction of Contested Exit Roles : Defectors, Whistle-Blowers and Apostates ", in Bromley (D. G.) (ed), The Politics of religious Apostasy : The Role of Apostases in the Transformation of Religious Movements, Wesport, CT, Preager Publishers, 1998, p. 19-48.

Bromley (D. G.), Shupe Jr (A.), " Just a Few Years Seem Like a Lifetime : A Role Theory Approach to Participation in Religious Movements ", in Kriesberg (L.) (ed), Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Greenwich, Conn, Jai Press, 1978.

Bromley (D. G.), The Politics of religious Apostasy : The Role of Apostases in the Transformation of Religious Movements, Wesport, CT, Preager Publishers, 1998.

D'Augelli (A. R), Becoming an ex-heterosexual: Steps toward the analysis of lesbian and gay male identity. Paper presented at Conference, Human Diversity: Perspectives on People in Context, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, October 23, 1988.

DellaCava (F.), " The Process of Leaving a High Commitment Status ", Sociological Inquiry, 45, 1975, p. 41-50.

Fearn (G.), " Becoming an EX: the process of role exit reviewed " La Revue canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie 27:2 May 1990, p. 245-247

Fuchs Ebaugh (H. R.), Becoming an Ex. The Process of Role Exit, Chicago, The university of Chicago Press, 1988.

Fuchs Ebaugh (H. R.), Out of the Cloister : A Study of Organisational Dilemnas, Austin, The Unievrsity of Texas Press, 1977.

Galanter (M.), " Unification Church (‘Moonie’) Dropouts : Psychological Readjustment after Leaving a Charismatic Religious Group ", American Journal of Psychiatry, 140 (8), 1983, p. 984-989.

Hunsberger (B. E.), " Apostasy : A Social Learning Perspective ", Review of Religious Research, 25 (1), 1983, p. 21-38.

Introvigne (M.), " defectors, Ordinary Leavetakers and Apostates : A Quantitative Study of Former Members of New Acropolis in France ", Nova Religio. The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 3-1, october 1999.

Jacobs (J.), Divine Disenchantment : Deconverting from New Religions, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1989.

Jacobs (J.), The Economy of Love in Religious Commitment : The Deconversion of Women from Nontraditional Religious Movements ", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 23 (2), 1984, p. 155-171.

Jehenson (R.), " The Dynamics of Role Leaving : A Role Theoretical Approach to the Leaving of Religious Organizations ", Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 5, 1969, p. 287-308.

Lofland (J.), Stark (R.), " Becoming a World-Saver : A Theory of Conversion to a Deviant Perspective ", American Sociological Review, 30, 1965, p. 862-875.

Murnighan (J.) (K.), " Defectors, Vulnerability and Relative Power : Some Causes and Effects of Leaving a Stable Coalition ", Human Relations, 34, 1981, p. 589-609.

Richardson (J.), " Conversion careers ", Society, n°17, 1980.

Richardson (J.), Conversion careers : In and Out of New Religions, Beverley Hills, California, Sage, 1978.

Richardson (J.), Van Derlans (J.), Derks (F.), "leaving and labeling: voluntary and coerced disaffiliation from religious social movements", in Lang (K.) (ed), Research in Social movements, Conflict and Change (vol. 9), 1986, p.97-126.

Roozen (D. A.), " Church Dropouts : Changing Patterns of Disengagement and Reentry ", Review of Religious Research, 21 (4), 1980, p. 427-450.

San Giovanni (L.F.). Ex-Nuns: A Study of Emergent Role Passage. Ablex, 1978.

Skonovd (N.), " Leaving the Cultic Religious Milieu ", in Bromley (D. G.), Richardson (T.) (eds), The Brainwashing/Deprogramming Controversy, Toronto, Edwin Mellen Press, 1983, p. 91-105.

Snow (D. A.), Phillips (C.L.), " The Lofland-Stark Conversion Model : A Critical Reassessment, Social Problems, 27, 1980, p. 430-447.

Solomon (T.), " Integrating the Moonies Experience : A Survey of Ex-Members of the Unification Church ", in Robbins (T.), Anthony (D.), Gods we Trust : New Patterns of Religious Pluralism in America, Princeton, Rutgers University Press, 1981, p. 275-294.

Wright (S.), " Defection from New Religious Movements : A Test of Some Theoretical Propositions ", in Bromley (D. G.), Richardson (T.) (eds), The Brainwashing/Deprogramming Controversy, Toronto, Edwin Mellen Press, 1983, p.106-121.

Wright (S.), " Post-Involvement Attitudes of Voluntary defectors from Controversial New religious Movements ", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 23, n°2, 1984, p. 172-182.

Wright (S.), Leaving Cults. The Dynamics of Defection.


III- Les conséquences de l’activisme

On regroupe là les études qui, à partir d’une analyse des ex engagés, posent d’une part la question des conséquences biographiques de l’activisme et, d’autre part, essaie de reconstruire la succession de générations militantes au sein de groupements donnés.


III-a : Les conséquences biographiques de l’engagement

Aron (S. A.), " Student Activism of the 1960s Revisited : A Multivariate Analysis Research Note ", Social Forces, vol 52, mars 1974, p.408-414.

DeMartini (J. R.), " Social Movement Participation : Political Socialization, Generation Consciouness, and Lasting Effects ", Youth and Society, 1983, 15, p. 195-223.

Demerath III (N. J.), Marwell (G.), Aiken (M. T.), Dynamics of Idealism, San Fransisco, Jossey-Bass Inc Publishers, 1971.

Dunham (C. C.), Bengston (V. L.), " The Long-Term Effects of Political Activism on Intergenerational Relations ", Youth and Society, 24, 1992, p. 31-51.

Fendrich (J. M.), " Keeping faith or Pursuing the good Life : A Study of the Consequences of participation in the Civil Rights Movement ", American Sociological Review, vol 42, février 1977, p. 144-157.

Fendrich (J. M.), Ideal Citizens. The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, Albany, State University of New York, 1993.

Fendrich (J. M.), Krauss (E.), " Student Activism and Adult Left-Wing Politics : A Causal Model of Political Socialization for Blac, White and Japanese Students of the1960s Generation ", in Kriesberg (L.), Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, 1, 1978, p.231-255, JAI Press.

Fendrich (J. M.), Lovoy (K. L.), " Back to the Future : Adult Political Behavior of Former Student Activists ", American Sociological Review, 53, 1988, p. 780-784.

Fendrich (J. M.), Smith (C. U.), " Black Activists : Ten Years Later ", The Journal of Negro Education, 49, 1980, p.3-19.

Fendrich (J. M.), Tarleau (A. T.), " Marching to a Different Drummer : Occupational and Political Correlates of Former Student Activists ", Social Forces, vol 52, décembre 1973, p. 245-253.

Fendrich (J.M.), " Activists Ten Years Later : A Test of Generational Unit Continuity ", Journal of Social Issues 30 (3), 1974, p. 95-118.

Fendrich. (J.M.) Turner (R.), " The Transition from student to Adult Politics ", Social Forces, 67, 1989, p. 1049-1057.

Flacks, (R.), " The Liberated Generation : An Exploration of the Roots of Student Protest ", Journal of Social Issues, 1967, 23, p. 52-75.

Hoge (D. R.), Ankney (Th. L.), " Occupations and Attitudes of former Student Activists Ten years Later ", Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 11, 1982, p. 355-371.

Isserman. (M.), If I Had a Hammer : The Death of the Old Left and the Birth of the New Left , New York, Basic Books, 1987.

Jacobs (H. S.), The Personal and the Political : A Study of the Decline of the New Left, PhD. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1978.

Kerpelman (L. C), Activists and Non Activists : A Psychological Study of American College Students, New York, Behavioral Publications, 1972.

Marwell (G.), Aiken (M. T.), Demerath III (N. J.), " The Persistance of Political Attitudes Among 1960s Civil Rights Activists "Public Opinion Quarterly, vol 51, 1987, p. 359-375.

Mauss (A.) "On Being Strangled by the Stars and Stripes", Journal of Social Issues,27, 1971, p 183-202.

McAdam (D.), " The Biographical Consequences of Activism ", American Sociological review, 54, 1989, p. 744-760.

McAdam (D.), " The Biographical Impact of Activism ", dans Giugni (M.), McAdam (D.), Tilly (Ch.), eds, How Social Movements Matter, Minneapolis, University of Monnesota Press.

McAdam (D.), Freedom Summer : The Idealists Revisited, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988.

Meyer (P.), Maidenberg (M.), " The Berkeley rebels : five Years later " (Abstract). Public opinion Quarterly, 1970, 24, p. 477-478.

Miller (F.), " The End of SDS and the Emergence of Weatherman : Demise Through Sucess ", in Freeman (J.), Social Movements of the Sixties and Seventies, New York, Longmans, 1983.

Nassi (A. J.), Abramowitz (S. I.), " Transition or Transformation ? Personal and Political Development of Former Berkeley Free Speech Movement Activists ", Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 8, 1979, p. 21-35.

Nassi (A. L.), " Survivors of the Sixties : Comparative Psychological and Political development of Former Berkeley Student Activists ", American Psychologist, 36, 1981, p.753-761.

Obershall (A.), " The Decline of the 1960s Social Movements ", in Kriesberg (L.), Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Greenwitch CT, JAI Press, vol 1, 1978.

Sherkat (D.), Blocker (T. J.), " Explaining the Political and Personal Consequences of Protest ", Social Forces, 75, 1997, p. 999-1020.

Sherkat (D.), Blocker (T. J.), " The Political Development of Sixties Activists : Identifying the Impact of Class, Gender, and Socialization on Protest Participation ", Social Forces, 72, 1994, p. 821-842.

Silverman (A.), " Where Have All the Peace Activists Gone ? ", Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vol 13, 1991, p. 153-170.

Weiss (R. F.), " Defection from Social Movements and Subsequent Recruitment to New Movements ", Sociometry, vol 26, issue 1, march 1963, p. 1-20.

Whalen (J.), Echoes of Rebellion : The New Left Grows Up, PhD Dissertation, Santa Barbara, University of California, 1985

Whalen (J.), Flacks (R.) " The Isla Vista ‘bank burners’ ten Years Later : Notes on the Fate of Student Activists ", Sociological Focus, 13, 1980, p. 215-236.

Whalen (J.), Flacks (R.), " Echoes of rebellion : The Liberated Generation Grows Up ", dans Braungart (R. G.), Braungart (M. M.), (eds), Special Issue on Life Course and Generational Politics, Journal of Political and Military Sociology, vol 12, (1), printemps 1984, p. 61-78.

Whalen (J.), Flacks (R.), Beyond the Barricades. The Sixties Generation Grows Up, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1989.


III-b : Les désengagés comme moyen d’analyse des générations militantes

Bengston (V. L.), Laufer (R. S.), eds, " Youth, Generations and Social Change : Part I ", The Journal of Social Issues, vol 30 (2), 1974.

Berlivet (L.), Sawicki (F.), " La foi dans l’engagement. Les militants syndicalistes CFDT de Bretagne dans l’après-guerre ", Politix, n°27, 1994, p. 111-142.

Boyte (H.), The Backyard Revolution, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1980.

Braungart (R. G.), Braungart (M. M.), " Historical Generations and Youth Movements : A Theoretical Perspective ", in Ratcliff (R. E.), Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Greenwitch, Conn. JAI, n°6, 1984, p. 95-141.

Braungart (R. G.), Braungart (M. M.), " Life Course and Generational Politics ", Annual Review of Sociology, 12, 1986, p. 205-231.

Braungart (R. G.), Braungart (M. M.), " Political Career Patterns of radical Activists in the 1960s and the 1970s ", Sociological Focus, 13,1980,s p. 237-254.

Braungart (R. G.), Braungart (M. M.), " The Effects of the 1960s political Generation on Former Left- and Right-Wing youth Activist Leaders ", Social Problems, 38, 1991, p. 297-315.

Braungart (R. G.), Braungart (M. M.), eds, " Special Issue on Life Course and Generational Politics ", Journal of Political and Military Sociology, vol 12, (1), printemps 1984.

DeMartini (J. R.), " Change Agents and Generational Relationships : A Reevaluation of Mannheim’s Problem of Generations ", Social Forces, 64, 1985, p.1-16.

Freeman (J.), Johnston (V.) , Waves of Protest. Social movements Since the Sixties, New York/Oxford, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers inc., 1999.

Schneider (B.), " Political Generations in the Contemporary Women’s Movement ", Sociological Inquiry, 58, 1988, p. 4-21.

Taylor (V.), " Social movement Continuity : The Women’s Movement in Abeyance ", American Sociological Review, 54, 1989, p. 761-775.

Weigand (K.), Vanguard of Women’s Liberation : The Old Left and the Continuity of the Women’s Movement in the US, 1945-1970, Ph. D Dissertation, department of History, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.1994

Whittier (N.), " Political generations, Micro cohorts and the Transformation of Social Movements ", American Sociological review, vol 62, n°5, oct 1997, p. 760-778.

Whittier (N.), Feminist Generations : The Persistence of the Radical Women’s Movement, Philadelphia, PA, Temple, 1995.


IV- Maintien des engagements et désengagement. Les facteurs de la défection

On regroupe là les travaux, généralement issus de la psychologie sociale, qui essaient de déterminer les facteurs assurant le maintien des engagements et à limiter la défection.

Abramowitz (S. I.), Nassi (A. J.), " Keeping the Faith : Psychosocial Correlates of Activism Persistence into Middle Adulthood ", Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 10, 1981, p. 507-523.

Allen (N.J.), Meyer (J. P.), " The Measurement and Antecedents of Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization’, Journal of Occupational Psychology, n°63, 1990, p. 1-18.

Armstrong (S.), Caring for carers : managing stress in those who care for people with HIV and AIDS, Rapport UNAIDS, Genève, 2000.

Aronson (E.), Mills (S.), " The Effects of Severity of Initiation on Linking for a Group ", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59, 1959, p. 177-181.

Ayouch-Boda (A.), " Le syndrome d'épuisement professionnel ou burnout ", in Sida et vie psychique: approche clinique et prise en charge, Paris : La découverte ; 1996, p. 291-301

Barkan (S. E.), Cohn (S. F.), Whitaker (W. H.), " Beyond Recruitment : Predictors of Differential Participation in a National Antihunger Organization ", Sociological Forum, 10, 1995, p. 113-133.

Bebbington (A.C), gatter (P.N), " Volunteers in an HIV social care organization ". AIDS Care, 1994, vol. 6, n° 5, p. 571-585.

Becker (H.), " Notes on the Concept of Commitment ", American Journal of Sociology, 66, 1960, p. 32-40.

Bennett( L.), Miller (D.), Ross (M.) (dir), Health workers and aids : research, intervention and current issues in burnout and response, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995.

Bidou (C.), Les aventuriers du quotidien. Essai sur les nouvelles classes moyennes, Paris, PUF, 1984.

Calamy (.M), " V.I.H. et crise de l'institution hospitalière ", Psychologues et psychologies, n°10 ; n° 126-127, 1995, p. 56-59

Chambré (S.M), " Volunteers as witnesses : the mobilization of AIDS volunteers in New York City, 1981-1988 ". Social Service Review, december 1991, n° 65, p. 531-547.

Cherniss (C.), Professional Burnout in Human Service Organizations, New York, Preager, 1980.

Claxton, (R.P.R), Catalan (J), Burgess (A.P), " Psychological distress and burnout among buddies : demographic, situational and motivational factors ". AIDS Care, 1998, vol. 10, n° 2, p. 175-190.

Coser (L.), Les fonctions du conflit social, Paris, PUF, 1982 [1°édition, The Function of Social Conflict, Glencoe, The Free Press, 1964].

Cress (D. J.) McPherson (M.), Rotolo (Th.), " Competition and Commitment in Voluntary Memberships : The Paradox of Persistence and Participation ", Sociological Perspectives, 40, 1997, p. 61-80.

Della Porta (D.), Social Movements, Political Violence and the State, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge/New York, 1995.

Downton (J. V.), Wehr (P.), " Peace Movements : The Role of Commitment and Community in Sustaining Member Participation ", Research in Social Movement, Conflict and Change, vol 13, 1991, p ; 113-134.

Duck (S. W.), " Topography of relationship Disengagement and Dissolution ", in Duck (S. W.) (ed), Personal Relationships 4 : Dissolving Personal Relationships, New York, Academic Press, 1982.

Edet (I.), Nion (N.), Metrot (M.T.), " L'épuisement professionnel des infirmières d'un service de maladies infectieuses et tropicales ", Revue de l'Infirmière ; 1994/02 ; n° 3 ; p. 53-56

Festinger (L.), Riecken (H. W.), Schachter (S.), When Prophecy Fails, Minneapolis, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press, 1956.

Freudenberg (H. J.) " Staff Burn Out ", Journal of Social Issues, 30, 1974, p. 187-196.

Friedman (D.), McAdam (D.), " Collective Identity and Activism. Networks, Choices and the Life of a Social Movement ", in Morris (A. D.), McClurg Mueller (C.), (eds), Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, New haven and London, Yale University Press, 1992, p. 156-173.

Gerard (H. B.), Mathewson (G. C.), " The Effects of Severity on Inititation of the Linking for a Group : A Replication ", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 1966, p. 278-287.

Gomes (M. E.) Maslach (Ch.), " Commitment and Burn out Among Political Activists : An In depth Study ", Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Helsinki, Finland, 1991.

Gottraux (Ph.) ‘Socialisme ou barbarie’. Un engagement politique et intellectuel dans la France de l’après-guerre, Payot Lausanne, 1997.

Kanter (R. M.) " Commitment and Social Organisation : A Study of Commitment Mechanisms in Utopian Communities ", American Sociological Review, 33, 1968, p. 499-517.

Kanter (R. M.), Commitment and Communtiy : Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective, Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press, 1972.

Klandermans (B.), " Transient Identities ? Membership Patterns in the Dutch Peace Movement ", in Larana (E.) , Johnston (H.), Gusfield (J. R.), New Social Movemeents. From Ideology to Identity, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1994, p.168-184.

Klandermans (B.), Oegema (D.), " Potential Networks, Motivations and Barriers : Steps Toward Participation in Social Movements ", American Sociological Review, 52, 1987, p. 519-531.

Klandermans (B.), The Social Psychology of Protest, Cambridge MA, Blackwell, 1997.

Knocke (D.), " Commitment and detachment in Voluntary Associations ", American Sociological Review, 1981, 46, p. 141-158.

Lert (F.), Castano (I.), Les médecins hospitaliers et leur travail dans le champ VIH/sida : contraintes, stress et burnout, Rapport INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale). U 88; 1999.

Lichterman (P.), The search for political community American activists reinventing commitment, Cambridge Cambridge University Press, Cambridge cultural social studies 7, 1996.

Marx (G.), " External Efforts to damage or facilitate Social Movements : Some Patterns, explanations, Outcomes and Complications ", in Zald (M.), McCarthy (J. D.) (eds), The Dynamics of Social Movements, Cambridge Mass. Winthrop, 1979, p. 94-125.

Maslach (C.), " Burned-Out ", Human Behavior, 5 , 1976, p ; 16-22.

Maslach (C.), Burn-Out : The Cost of Caring, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall.

Maslanka (H), " Burnout, social support and AIDS volunteers ". AIDS Care, 1996, vol. 8, n° 2, p. 195-206.

Mauss (A.), "Dimensions of religious Defection", Review of Religious Research, 10 (3), 1969, p. 128-135.

McPherson (J. M.), " A Dynamic Model of Voluntary Affiliation ", Social Forces, 59, 1981, p. 705-728.

McPherson (J. M.), " An Ecology of Affiliation ", American Sociological Review, 48, 1983, p. 519-532.

McPherson (J. M.), Poplielarz (P.) Drobnic (S.), " Social Networks and Organizational Dynamics, American Sociological Review, 57, 1992, p. 153-170.

Meyer (J. P.), Allen (N. J.), " A Three Component Conceptualization of Organizational Commitment ", Human Resource Management Review, 1991, 1, p. 61-89.

Meyer (J. P.), Allen (N. J.),Gellatly (I. R.), " Affective and Continuance Commitment to the Organization : Evaluation of Measures and Analysis of Concurrent and Time-Lagged Relations ", Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 1993, p. 710-720.

Miller (D.), Dying to care ? : work, stress and burnout in HIV/AIDS, Londres, Routledge ; 2000.

Moreland (R. L.), Levine (J.), " Socialization in Small Groups : Temporal Changes in Individual-Group relations ", Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 1982, p. 137-192.

Oegema (D.), Klandermans (B.), " Why Social Movement Sympathisers Don’t Participate : Erosion and Non-Conversion of Support ", American Sociological Review, 59, 1994, p. 703-722.

Passy (F), L’Action altruiste, Genève, Droz, 1998.

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